Thursday, July 13, 2017

daSama skandHam - The Tenth Canto - 2


One day SUrasEna's son vasudEva entered into wedlock with dEvaki and filled with joy at this festive occasion they started in procession in a chariot. At that time kamsa, the son of king ugrasEna joyously took the reins of the chariot sending them to raptures and began to chauffeur them out of his affection for his sister dEvaki.  They were preceded by a number of musicians playing relentlessly on the trumpets, percussion instruments and blowing the conch. As the festive procession continued dEvaki's father dEvaka decided to shower gifts on his daughter on this auspicious occasion.


dEvaka gifted eighteen hundred chariots with all facilities, four hundred fully gold-decked huge elephants, ten thousand horses and two hundred stylish maidens to serve dEvaki and keep her company. As the newly wed couple started their journey on that royal road....


kamsa loosened the reins to let the horses hasten the chariot. All of a sudden kamsa felt disturbed deep within as an unseen voice from the skies thundered thus...


Prompted by the gleeful appreciations of your sister you are lovingly chauffeuring the chariot. However, you know not that, the eighth child to be born in the womb of this polite and beautiful sister of yours shall slay you!

Link to Telugu page


kamsa, the one to bring disrepute and destruction to the bhOjAs was shocked upon hearing the ethereal voice that spelled his doom and his shoulders shuddered. He pulled his horrifying sword out of its sheath, caught hold of the braid of dEvaki without the least consideration of being siblings, unmounted her from the chariot to slay her. vasudEva rushed to him at once.


Approaching kamsa, the sin-hearted, hubris filled, consumed by the raging fire of anger, vasudEva used his sweet and nectarine speech to calm down kamsa and started speaking so...


Alas! You are the elder brother of dEvaki. You should shower her with gifts of gold and clothes. Or you should felicitate her with sweet speech. Instead you seem to rely on this unseen voice and believing that to be true you are out to slay your sister! O brother, please withdraw yourself, bear patience. This doesn't befit you. I beseech you, please do not kill her.



vasudEva's dhArmic counsel


Your sister is an innocent and weak lass. She is pure-hearted and has only your welfare in mind. Based on the unseen voice you are setting out to dis-honor her. Alas, O meritorius one and born in a great clan, does this slaying of your sister out of anger befit you? Contemplate on it O lord of bhOjAs


Death is also born as soon as one assumes a physical body. The elemental body eventually merges back in the five elements either today or tomorrow or after a hundred years. The indweller jIva sheds its current body, and assumes another life form depending on the merits or sins that have been committed by the previous body just as the caterpillar raises the front part of the body to mount on another leaf and then drags the rear part from the previous leaf. As if the experiences of wakeful state appear clearly in dreams, the accumulated karma of the jIva follows it birth after birth.


Carrying the previous impressions of the sins and merits begotten in the previous births, the mind of the jIva in a given body is perturbed and follows the senses with celerity. Following the senses thus, the accumulated karma is not destroyed even if the jIva assumes multiple births.


Just as the reflection of the Sun and the Moon in pots filled with water wavers due to the wind, the jIva assumes a body befitting its past karmas and moves therein zealously.


The good and bad that one experiences is verily due to the karma performed by them. It is only the performer of the karma that is responsible for them. This is true even for Lord brahma. This being the case there is really no use trying to judge others (and blame them for one's situation).


Therefore one should never cause harm to others. Would causing harm to another because it is beneficial to one be ever condoned? Can one escape the result of such a bad karma?


Although she is related to you as a younger sister, she is indeed like your daughter. She has a good character and is worthy of honour. She is young, a bride who is radiant and opulent. But she is forlorn, terrified and is shuddering. I bow to you, O compassionate king kamsa, be kind and merciful towards her.


Thus vasudEva spoke endeavouring to cajole kamsa through wise counsel  as well as frightful words. However, those words had no calming effect on kamsa. His angry gaze was raining fire and bereft of any compassion he was determined to kill that beautiful dEvaki. Sensing that his words had no effect on the foolish kamsa, vasudEva started to deliberate within himself his further course of action...


One cannot justify cowardice by saying death is certain and succumb to situations. As far as one's intellect can take, one should endeavour to protect oneself spiritedly on the basis of his own strength.


Having determined so...


The best course to follow today is to avert danger to this woman by promising to surrender the newborns. Who knows the future! If this feme covert survives today perhaps a more lasting way-out can be found later. Even if sons are born to me and their immediate death is imminent in his hands, would not fate catch up with him? Wouldn't there be a way to safeguard the newborns? Perhaps there will be. 

Raging forest fire spares the near-by trees but leaps and guts the trees that are very far. Even so, one's own karmas have the far reaching consequences of causing one's own birth and death. Therefore, why stutter.


It seems just to rescue my wife by promising to surrender the newborn sons. If he spares my wife now, perhaps by the time sons are born, situation would overturn. Would God not come to the rescue by then?


The ethereal voice earnestly declared that the child born in dEvaki's eighth pregnancy shall kill kamsa. Why would it not happen? It is best to immediately secure the release of my wife. Thinking thus, vasudEva...


Speaking softly and acting swiftly vasudEva felicitated kamsa with persuasive speech and a smiling countenance although he was inflamed within.


O kamsa you are worried to learn from the ethereal voice that you will die in the hands of the son born to this beautiful woman. I assure you that I'll serially hand over every son who is born of her to you so that you can kill them.


Hearing these assuring words of vasudEva, kamsa nodded his head in satisfaction and accepted the proposal. He spared his sister dEvaki and went off to his abode. vasudEva and dEvaki heaved a sigh of relief and having reached their abode, lived there happily. Days passed along in this manner.


Although suffering constantly at the hands of kamsa, dEvaki basked in divine feelings and gave birth to eight sons and a daughter every year.


Among them,


The first son born to that woman of beautiful teeth dEvaki was named kIrtimantha. As soon as he was born, vasudEva courageously brought the newborn to king kamsa true to his word without feeling greedy about the offspring.


Without going back on the given word, without resorting to betrayal, without feeling of angst, the courageous vasudEva handed over his newborn to the enemy. Is there anyone more brave than vasudEva?


O king (suka addressing parikshit), 

for the one who is established in truth what is impossible to accomplish? 
for the one who is established in awareness, is there any attachment?
for the one who is established in unflinching devotion to God, is there anything that cannot be given away?
for the one who doesn't take cognizance, can any harm be caused?


kamsa spoke thus, appreciating the manner in which vasudEva stood true to his given word and surrendered his newborn.


O vasudEva, take away this son of yours. I am not in danger due to him and hence I am not angry with him. It seems your eighth son will cause my death. I shall kill him when he is born.


Hearing these words of his evil natured brother-in-law, that vasudEva, at whose birth trumpets blew, did not feel overjoyed, was overcome by anxiety and took his son back. Then...

Coming of nArada to mathura

Friday, July 07, 2017

daSama skandHam - The Tenth Canto - 1

I wrote about SrImad AndhrabhAgavatham a couple of years ago. This is an all time great work of poet pOthana in the 14th century. The work is celebrated for its devotional overtones, story telling, amazing use of the Telugu language, lucidity and simplicity. A study of this is as much a treat in knowing the mythology as it is about an appreciation of Telugu grammar and above all it drives home the requirement for bhakthi in each of the seeker to attract the grace of the Lord.

Please visit the web site: telugu bhAgavatham. It is an outstanding work of a team of volunteers led by brahmaSrI sAmbaSiva rao gAru, who in the purity of their heart and their labor of love have undertaken the task to digitize the work and bring it forth to devotees along with word meaning and overall import of each poem. There are nearly 10000 padyams in this work. The work is also available as an Android app

For a long time I've been asked by my non telugu friends if an English adaptation of the great work of pOthana is available. I haven't found any. While sending a-padyam-a-day to my Telugu friends I was inspired to this idea of translating a-padyam-a-day from chaste Telugu to manageable English. So here is an attempt, starting with the tenth canto of bhAgavatham, the chapter that describes the life of srI kriShNa. I'll keep updating this page every 2-3 days, so please keep coming back. 


Oh, the One Who has broken the bow of Siva;
Oh, the One Who protects indrA and his ilk by slaying his enemies;
Oh, the One Who is the crest jewel of the highly esteemed kAkutsA dynasty;
Your glory, oh king srIrAma, is spread all over like the light of full moon;
Kindly accept this offering of mine.


sUta, the sage highly skilled in the narration of purANas said to the ones of great attributes - Saunaka et al, “Parikshit submitted thus to the great sage Suka…”


You have narrated to me the stories of the dynasties of solar and lunar lineage. I have listened with great sense of awe, the lives and conducts of great kings in these lineages.


How did the birth of Sri Mahavishnu happen in the clan of yAdavAs, the men of great character? How did HE grow up among them, what sport did he resort to in various times. Kindly describe these to me.


The praise of srI mahAvishnu is the pill for the ills of mundane ways of life. Joy wells up in the heart when you listen to it. Those desirous of liberation seek it. Only an animalic person would ever say his ears had enough of it (hari’s praise).


The army of the kauravas led by bhISHma is invincible even for the gods. With what kind of boat did my forefathers conquer this sea of an army as easily as crossing the stride of a child!


I was lifeless in the womb of my mother having been hit by aSwathhAma when the Lord holding the discus came to save me and provide a heir for the sons of kunti


HE, the purusHA principle, fills Himself in the entire Time and Forms and is present within and without every single being. Being present so, He confers liberation on all the beings (jIvas) by saving them from the cycle of birth and death. Kindly describe to me in detail the life of such purushOttama.


Best among yOgis, you have told me that balarAma is the son of rOhiNi. How then was he present in the womb of dEvaki without being in another body? Why and how did the lotus eyed kriShna leave his father's house and go to the village rEpalle (brindAvan). In whose home did He stay there and what all acts did he perform there? Why did He have to kill his maternal uncle kamsA? How long did he live on the earth? How many consorts did He have? How was He disposed towards them? What all did He do there? Please be kind to describe to me the entire story of mAdhava.


Further, parikShith submitted thus.


My body is sustained by drinking deep the nectar of the stories of hari that is emanating from the lotus of your face. Depression has deserted me. Both thirst and hunger have departed from me. My mind is thrilled with excitement.


Hearing these words of the king, that son of vyAsa, Suka spoke as follows.


The stories of viShnu purify the ones desirous of always listening to His stories and also the ones who recount those just as the holy stream of water that emanates from His lotus feet.


O King, listen! Earlier as thousands of demonic kings spread their might on earth, replete with regal pomp and conceit, mother Earth having been unable to bear them any more, took the form of gOmAtha (cow) and approached the lotus-born brahmA crying inconsolably. Lord brahmA calmed and consoled the desolate mother Earth with his speech and contemplated on the course of action. He went to seek help of srImahAviSHNu along with mother Earth and other gods. Contemplating on Lord viSHNu through the hymn purusha sUktam, He entered in to the wondrous samAdhi state. Returning from that deep state of communion with the Lord viSHNu, the One born from the water-born lotus (brahmA) addressed the gods and mother Earth with love and happiness about the voice of God that He heard in that state.


O gods, please go and incarnate on the earth with your attributes in the clan of yAdavas. The Lord of lakshmi will happily be born as vasudEva's son and relieve the burden of mother Earth.


O angels, the daughters of the gods, please deign to incarnate on the earth with beautiful forms in order to serve the Lord hari. AdisEsha, the serpent on which Lord rests will precede Him and be born as His elder brother and bring joy to Him.


Goddess mAyA, the illusory power that drives the whole world and causes infatuation in the unrealized will also incarnate with her attributes as per the order of the Lord and carry out a specific task.


Thus, having convinced the gods and consoled the mother Earth, Lord brahmA left for His abode. 

(Moving over to the earth) Then the lord of the yadUs, sUrasEna made mathurA his capital city and ruled over the states of sUrasEna and mAthurA.


O King, in earlier times that city of mathurA where the Lord of prosperity nArAyaNa happily and lovingly resided became the prime city for all the kings of the yAdava clan.

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Love to blog. Every time I turn joyous or in extreme pain, I blog. Huge believer of 'charity begins at home'.